Advanced Tball

Advance Tball is for players aged 4 and 5 that have Tball experience. It is a lot like Tball but with a few additions. It is up to the coaches to decide if they want to play “outs” or not, and half way through the season the coaches can start to pitch to the players. The player will get 3 pitches and if she/he misses then the Tee comes back out to finish the at bat. Advance Tball serves as a great bridge to help players make the jump from Tball to Coach pitch. For full rules and regulations please visit the Eastvalley Baseball League website at


Registration for tee ball is handled directly through East Valley Baseball. Please go to their site to register. Practices start 3-4 weeks prior to the first game. Teams do fill up quickly, so register early.


Glove – Each girl needs a glove. You will want to find one that fits. Please write your name on the glove as there will be likely similar ones on the team. The one below is pretty common.

Rawlings 9″ T-Ball Glove


Bat – There will be bats available for your daughter to use. Bats can be purchased as well. Please make sure to purchase a bat that is the appropriate weight and length for your daughter. Most girls would need a 2 1/4” bat with a -13 drop weight. An example would be 24 in / 11 oz or a 25 in / 12 oz bat. There may be similar bats on the team, so please write your name on it.

Anderson Firebolt -13, 24″, 25″, and 26″

DeMarini Tee Ball Bat -13, 25″ and 26″

Easton Beast X Hyperlight -13, 25″ and 26″

Easton Ghost X Tee Ball Bat -13.5, 25″ and 26″

Mizuno Jennie Finch Bat -13, 24″, 25″, and 26″

Batting helmet – There will be batting helmets available for use. If you prefer to have your own for sanitary or style reasons, feel free. Please write your name somewhere on the helmet.

Rawlings Pink T-Ball Helmet

Bat bag – Keeping your gear organized can be helpful. We have the one below.

Easton Youth Bat & Equipment Bag

Cleats – Cleats are not necessary at this age and can be difficult to find in an appropriate size. If you would like to purchase cleats, your best bet is to look at soccer cleats.


The league provides each girl with a hat, jersey, and socks. The Peaches uniform also requires a skirt, which is the responsibility of the parents. We will be placing an order for all the girls skirts. Reimbursement for the skirts can be paid via cash, check, or Venmo.

Peaches Merchandise

There is a store where additional shirts, hats, and gear can be purchased for you and your family members.

Parent Involvement

We would love to have as much parent involvement as possible. We can use the help during practice and games. Additionally, parents can help by getting the girls ready to bat.